The U-StripTrans-Insulin™ patch is a patented needle-free transdermal insulin delivery patch system that uses special ultrasound frequencies to expand the pores of the skin and deliver insulin into the bloodstream. Regular micro-dosing of insulin, one insulin performs both basal and Bolus rates and there is no need to measure your carbohydrates before application. Just press the mealtime bolus button and the device automatically delivers a mealtime insulin counterbalance. Set – It-And-Forget-It glucose control for both Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes.

Waist Mounted System

The Waist Mounted System consists of a Transducer Coupler which fits into a Apomorphine patch and is controlled by a waist mounted Sonic Applicator. The waist mount affords the most space for memory, telemetry etc.

Arm Mounted System

The arm mounted unit attaches to the upper left arm. The controller snaps onto the patch and the transducer is fitted into the controller itself.

Self Contained

The Mini-Patch has a transducer Coupler which snaps into the patch, worn on the upper left arm, and the Controller is imbedded directly within the transducer coupler. Small, but also follows a very rigid pre-programmed delivery. your beauty;” or again, “the high heavens render you deserving of the desert your greatness deserves.”